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“Soft” drugs...


“You have to use fear by means of the worst case scenario”(1)

Hans Jonas

“Never do anything against your conscience even if asked to by government.”

Albert Einstein

This section will deal with the controversial subject of the scourge of drugs, particularly the so-called “soft” drugs, which we will approach from a sociological, medical, and psychological standpoint and, I emphasize, in the spirit of prevention, for fixing what is broken after the fact entails its share of risks and costs which are better avoided. Regarding Hans Jonas' quote, let me specify that the fear he refers to is not an uncontrolled, irrational fear but a scientifically grounded concern, based on facts; the same type, really, that makes you look both ways before crossing a street. You will understand at the end of this why it is imperative to disseminate this information to all.


You will not find here a detailed nomenclature dealing with the physiological effects of each drug. It is not this site's purpose. Other, well-documented sites will be suggested to you to improve your knowledge of the subject should you so desire.


The drugs theme will be briefly discussed in a broader social and health perspective. This site's main objective is to impress on you that all so-called “soft” drugs are actually hard, very hard.


According to many a visited website, the “soft” drugs are tobacco, cannabis (marijuana and hashish), and alcohol. Right off the bat, I would exclude alcohol for obvious reasons because leaving it in the drugs nomenclature would, in my opinion, only add to the confusion by suggesting that cannabis are socially acceptable. Why not add sugar and caffeine to the list while we're at it?


Furthermore, the above-mentioned nomenclature is now being challenged. For instance, it is well known that all hard drugs are highly addictive, addiction being one of the objective classification criteria. However, tobacco is also highly addictive... So which category should we put it in? Which is all the more relevant today as humans (through selection and genetics) have tampered with nicotine and other addiction-inducing substances in order to increase their concentrations. Source:


"We know that in bygone days one had to smoke several packs of cigarettes to develop an addiction. Today, a single pack of cigarettes is enough to make many youths addicted. In the case of marijuana, for example, THC concentration is said to have increased more than 900% in the past 30 years through selection work carried out by unknown researchers." In other words modern marijuana's toxicity is incomparably higher today than it was back in Woodstock's days.


Moreover, be it known that the soft drug myth lives on because it is kept alive by the “industry” - and too often by the useful idiots. Useful idiots in this context does not designate the drugs' victims but instead certain authorities, media, and professionals who downplay the hazards of the so-called “soft drugs”. Some lobbies obviously stand to gain by pretending that marijuana is a soft drug. By using an innocuous-sounding word, they lower the psychological and intellectual defenses of the target individuals. This is a scheme that makes more readily acceptable what would normally be unacceptable to the vast majority.


Of course, the drug “industry” also stands to gain from enticing people to simply give the supposedly “soft” marijuana a try for it is well-known, as borne out by statistics, that nearly 100% of cocaine users have previously tried marijuana. In short, “pot” is the gateway to harder and more potent drugs in the same way that cigarettes are a gateway to marijuana. To be candid, soft drugs are an oxymoron. One only has to look at the ordeal experienced by smokers wishing to stop.

This reductionist strategy is a true Trojan horse that fools a host of people including teachers and mainly the youths. And now our governments collapsing under crushing debt loads seem poised to take over, particularly the Liberal Party of Canada under the leadership of jolly Justin Trudeau in order to legalize and promote marijuana, an extremely dangerous drug.


Do you have doubts? Perhaps some of you who have used drugs in the past will find that somewhat paternalistic, moralizing, even exaggerated? By reading the rest you will get to realize that using marijuana and other drugs is playing Russian roulette... But most of all, you will discover that talking about “soft drugs” is a form of underhanded corruption of our young people!


The time to act is now!

A major discovery took place in the United States in (...) in 2004. A doctor at (...) University discovered a variation on previously known genetic diseases, porphyria. One of those variations is erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP).


What he discovered is a subclass, MEPP ("M" standing for "masked"). Though less serious than the original disease known to doctors (EPP), being “masked”, it causes serious health problems to individuals with defective genes to whom the same contraindications apply as they do the persons affected with the original illness (EPP). But because MEPP-suffering individuals have no knowledge of their condition and appear asymptomatic (as the symptoms are less easily detectable) those people's condition worsens surreptitiously until around 40 years of age, at which time their issues start to seriously inconvenience the people around them.


Thus, from ages 25 to 60, diseased individuals may experience problems akin to those of persons with a bipolar or psychotic condition. They generally end up on antidepressants which in some cases worsen their state because doctors are still in the dark about MEPP. The incurable disease often degenerates into liver cancer around 60.


The Quebec-born American researcher had blood samples of people with MEPP genetically analyzed (at Cardiff University, England). Genetic statistical analyzes were then performed. The results are dreadful -- 75,000 people unknowingly carry the MEPP subclass at varying degrees in Quebec. Given that the same contraindications apply to them as to porphyria sufferers, you should know that chief amongst them is... marijuana.


In their case, this contraindication is absolute. They must NEVER, for any reason whatsoever, consume marijuana or its derivatives!


Just one marijuana joint can trigger instant psychosis in MEPP sufferers (which sadly too often leads to schizophrenia). For that matter, this discovery provides an explanation to a mystery that has preoccupied researchers for decades: why about 4 to 7% of the population develop this mental pathology after only one marijuana joint. I personally know several people in that situation. MEPP may not be solely responsible in those cases.


Right now, psychological research shows that the main factor preventing young (and less young) people from trying the drug happens to be the psychological deterrent of warnings by authorities, mainly parents, health practitioners and police. Once again, Milgram's discoveries' relevancy shines through.



Consequently, interrupting or negating those warnings through the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana will lead many youths to give this dangerous drug a try, thereby providing another opportunity to corrupt our young people, already subjected to the adults' ineptitude and inconsistency. Worse, it is to be feared that an heretofore self-restraining adult population might be tempted to experiment with the drug.

Picture : Science & Vie february 2013

" unprecedented wave of cases of schizophrenia among young adults can be expected in the coming ten years."
Science & Vie; February, 2013; page 77

To put it more bluntly, as happened in Holland -- the country porphyria reportedly spread from during the colonial era -- mental illness cases will flare up in Canada once marijuana is legalized. Because of the problems it causes, several Dutch politicians have been striving to get the drug proscribed again... unsuccessfully. We know today that a lobby of corrupt politicians and high officials are opposing by all possible means their efforts by slyly concealing the pathological effects of the drug. To paraphrase a saying in Quebec, the Dutch experience makes it abundantly clear that "when you put your arm in the wringer it's hard to pull it out afterwards." We can rest assured that the same will come true in Canada if we are foolish enough to legalize or decriminalize that or any other drug!


This is therefore a large-scale socio-sanitary problem in the making that we must at all cost avert now by urging authorities NEVER to allow marijuana to become LEGAL OR DECRIMINALIZED in Canada.


For, once Pandora's box has been opened there will be no going back. The new addiction will have corrupted (lowered moral defenses in) thousands of young and adults. Not to mention that epicurean motivations will drive a desire to expand decriminalization to other drugs. Add to that decades of prevention work amongst youth by police destroyed at the stroke of a pen.


In conclusion I strongly recommend reading the devastating article on marijuana published in the February 2013 issue of Science & Vie magazine (pages 70-77).

"Schizophrenia, IQ drop, depression... Cannabis' irreversible damage... Dismantling the soft drug myth”

Let me quote you a few paragraphs of this excellent article on new medical discoveries derived from state-of-the-art research:

"... Cannabis perturbs neuronal connection maturation in adolescents"

Dr Daniela Parolaro pharmacologist, University of Insubria (Italy)


"Cannabis may double the risk of psychosis... in adult years"*

2011 study, Maastricht University; Netherlands

(*Note: This part of the study excludes instant psychosis cases.)


"Once the brain has developed in a wrong way, you can not totally go back"

Dr Raymond Niesink, neurotoxicologist, University of Utrecht, Netherlands


"The global movement for 'free-access marijuana' resembles an experiment performed on nations..."

Read the rest, sorry, but in french:

To conclude this chapter, it is important to know and understand that drug (or alcohol) abuse has never solved anything, on the contrary. It is but a delusion giving the impression that one's problems have gone away. In reality, you sink even deeper and your problems and suffering are amplified. You must seek to solve your problems at root level rather than try to bury them in drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse also creates in the body the need for ever larger doses which incontrovertibly leads to grave pathologies, even death.


If some people or websites dare speak about the relaxing effects of some drugs, you can rest assured that it does not jive with reality. What is not mentioned are the "downs" that follow all drug and alcohol binges. Those “downs” bring only anxiety and suffering at the same time as they help to create a powerful psychological, and in some case physical, dependency. AA states that an alcoholic person inconveniences 40 people around him or her. As far as drug addicts are concerned, the problem is even worse!


In short, if, regarding alcohol, the phrase “moderation tastes better”, correlates well with reality, in the case of drugs, the best option is to never give them a try, not even out of curiosity. The best advice I can give you today is: “Never try any drug.” If offered drugs by “friends” you should know they are not real friends.


Christian Duchesne



“Soft” Drugs Toxicity

Let me digress at this point in order to respond to an argument that will come up sooner or later. Some might indeed state that disclosing this discovery (toxic link between EPP and MEPP and marijuana type drugs) will help make marijuana decriminalization more acceptable.


For example, the pro-cannabis crowd might pressure medical research centres to come up with a quick and reliable test for the detection of EPP and/or MEPP anomalies (therefore promoting hedonism and its attendant cost burden which, it needs to be shouted, hamstring our healthcare systems). Genetic anomaly carriers would thus avail themselves of a screening test enabling them to protect themselves through abstinence. Marijuana supporters would in this way be handed a powerful argument in favour of decriminalization and even of complete legalization of these types of drugs.


However, this argument would be valid if and only if all sudden psychosis (and other brain pathology) cases were attributable to the use of cannabis or its derivatives. Now, statistically the purported 75,000 Quebecers who are carriers of the deficient gene (that interacts with the ferrochelatase enzyme) only make up slightly less than 1% of toxic psychosis cases. As revealed by statistics, 4 to 7% of the population present, at various degrees, an increased toxic sensitivity to those drugs. Consequently, the remaining 3-6% remains unexplained.


In view of the evidence provided by Milgram, I would add that this gap between 4 and 7% could possibly be a category of persons who, deferring to the authorities, forgo trying marijuana or other drugs. According to Statistics Canada, only 9.1% of youths have used marijuana in the past 12 months (2011). Therefore, in view of Stanley Milgram's discoveries we can state without a shadow of a doubt that marijuana legalization will be a socio-sanitary disaster unprecedented in Canada's history.





In addition, studies in India tend to show that use of those drugs is teratogenic, mutagen, and atavistic.(1)

I therefore again reiterate this stern warning: when it comes to drugs, as a matter of basic prudence, abstinence is the only logical and totally safe solution that everyone should strive for.


(1) Mixed porphyria essentially relates to the South African populations of Dutch origin descended from the same ancestor, Berrit Janitz, who emigrated from Holland in the 17th century.

End of digression

(1) This quote has been used by Hans Jonas in the GMO file. I quote it here because in my opinion it perfectly fits the idea I want to express in the article. There is therefore no intention on my part to mislead readers.

Sites of interest (french version) :




* Sites dealing with drugs :

Warning: After researching dozens of websites, some of them trying to pass themselves for anti-drug sites are turning out to actually be promoting them. The ones I am providing below are the safest I have found to date. Should you have more to suggest, feel free to let me know about them.


Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP english version)


French version:



“Never do anything against your conscience even if asked to by government.”

Albert Einstein

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